' oicbasics: OIC Connectivity Agent Installation Steps
January 3, 2020

OIC Connectivity Agent Installation Steps

Knowledge :  👀 

Basics About OIC Connectivity Agent ?: 

The on-premises connectivity agent enables you to create integrations and exchange messages between on-premises applications and Oracle Integration Cloud Service. 
For example, sending requests from a cloud application to a on-premise database.

One case scenario describe through below diagram :


OIC Connectivity Agent High-Level Installation Steps :

  1. Create an Agent Group in the OIC Console
  2. Download the Connectivity Agent zip file from the OIC Console
  3. Unzip the contents of the zip file on the on-premise agent machine
  4. Update the InstallerProfile.cfg with the details of the OIC environment and on-premise network
  5. Run the agent using java -jar connectivityagent.jar

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Lets see the steps in detail :

STEP 1 : 
Login to your OIC instance and navigate to Agent by clicking on Integrations and then click Agents.

STEP 2 : Click Create Agent Group

 Enter below details and click Ok.

*Agent Group Name : write 'Test_Agent' (you can give any other meaningful name)
 Description : write meaningful description.

Note : Save the Identifier name as highlighted in above screenshot. We need this later in this blog.

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STEP 3 : Agent group creation is completed.

STEP 4 : Download the Connectivity_Agent and save it on desktop of your system.

STEP 5 :Unzip the downloaded file & open InstallerProfile.cfg

Enter the below details :

oic_URL = enter your OIC instance URL in format of https://hostname:sslport 
                      (as shown in below image )

agent_GROUP_IDENTIFIER= enter the agent group identifier name which we have saved above  
(For my agent group it is TEST_AGENT)

  • Save the file and close it

STEP 7 :Set the JAVA_HOME property to the location of the JDK installation and PATH property.You can easily find on Internet the steps to set JAVA_HOME.

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STEP 8 : 

  • Open CMD and open the directory where  connectivityagent.jar file is present.
  • Now run the connectivityagent.jar file by entering below command java -jar connectivityagent.jar and then press enter

  • Enter OIC username & Password and then press enter

 [*Note: Make sure your system is connected with open network(not 
    behind any firewall, you can use mobile data).

   You must have to provide proxy details of network inside

   InstallerProfile.cfg if you want agent to work inside company 
   network(behind firewall ]

  • Agent configuration is completed and your agent is UP and Running and ready to use.
Note : You can cross check Agent status in OIC instance by navigating to Monitoring tab and then click to Agents.

Access the next blog to develop  integration using the Agent .....

#Some Important Points about OIC Connectivity Agent :

  • Only one connectivity agent can be associated with an agent group. For a single Oracle Integration instance, you can create up to five agent group
  • Restart the Agent  
You can restart the on-premises connectivity agent if required by running the command java –jar connectivityagent.jar 

  • Stop the agent in either of the following ways:
    • Enter ctrl+c on the host on which the agent is running. 
    • Search for the connectivity agent process and kill it


Note:- When you shut down the agent server, several minutes pass before the agent is displayed as down on the Agent Monitoring page (as indicated by a red thunderbolt)


Access the next blog to create integration using this Agent …

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  1. Great blog,really helped me to understand how the Agents are configured.

  2. i am unable to enter password, can you please help

    1. When u enter password, the cursor will not change place. Just enter your password and hit enter. I hope this is your concern . If not then please let me know :)

  3. How do we uninstall the agent installed?

    1. Since .jar files are only used at compile and runtime, I think just deleting the folder containing the jar file can fulfill your requirement

  4. Hi Kabir,
    When I try to install agent it is asking details more than oic_URL and Identifier.
    Additionally in the installer profile config it is asking for oic_IDCS_URL,oic_CLIENT_ID,oic_CLIENT_SECRET,oic_SCOPE details which I don't know.Could you please help?

    1. Please go through this link, https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/application-integration/integrations-user/downloading-and-running-premises-agent-installer.html#GUID-932D53E0-69F1-42E2-8F9C-B2CB3B69A5B4

  5. https://docs.oracle.com/en/cloud/paas/application-integration/integrations-user/downloading-and-running-premises-agent-installer.html#GUID-932D53E0-69F1-42E2-8F9C-B2CB3B69A5B4

  6. How to install this on server?

  7. I wanted to connect to EBS buts its not working

    1. May be because of your on premise system's network security.


If you have any doubts, Please let me know.
